Monday, September 18, 2017

Be Still

Be Still

When the surf of disappointment washes over me

And eyes darkened by grief fail in hope to see,

When my identity –crafted by my hand—crumbles before man

And the high places I constructed withering fail to stand,

When those I love shrink back in fear

And all my efforts fade like mist,

You beckon me come closer.

You pursue though I resist.

When grief so deep enshrouds my soul,

When I ran so far and fast

To shake the depths of the night

Though I knew relief wouldn’t last,

When joy is an elusive butterfly

I could see but n’er catch

And peace a winsome breeze

Never caught in my net.

When my toil exhausted, mind unrelenting,

In never ending work

Up again, must do again, n’er slacking

Never shirk.

Busy. Oh stay busy. Lest your mind come rest on grief.

Busy.  Stay so busy. Navigate  tumultuous sea.

Always working. Never shirking. 

Like the buzzing of a bee.

Stay busy.  Oh so busy.  Lest your mind come rest on grief.

But for love could divine rest exert  It’s perfect will

Oh so busy but I love you so I grant you to be still.

Be still my child—you may not move—sit right here—toil not.

Be still my child—rest.  Listen.  Learn.  The sea with peril fraught.

Be still and rest.  Lean back and sleep.

You can entrust  Me with your ease.

The wind and waves still know My name

The surf and sea is mine to tame

You toil for not—dear child so weary

Labor not.  Observe my perfect will.

Dear child, for this season

Come here. Rest.

Be still.