Friday, September 25, 2009

Field Trip

We had a field trip today. The 1st-4th graders went for a fall hike in Patuckaway State Park. It was a perfect day. Sunny, slight breeze, mild, but not too warm so you could hike up those steep embankments comfortably. Perfect.

As I received the assignment of my little charges from the 1st grade teacher, I couldn't help but think back to my field trips as a child when my Mom would accompany me. Six wiggly little 1st graders piled into the Wonder Bus--3 boys, and 3 girls-- and we were off. Last year on this same field trip my older son rode home with another Mom. She had baked cookies. Caleb's reply when we got back to the school was, "She's a good Mom!". Hmmm. Not to be outdone I baked last night. However, because I am presently surrounded by apples knee high they had to be apple oat cookies with vanilla frosting. They were good, and well deserved after the 1st graders made such a valiant effort for their little legs to keep up with those big 4th graders.

The worst memory I have of a field trip is when my Mom was assigned all the problem children in the class. You know the type. We had the kid who had his own seat in the Principle's office, the kid who rarely bathed, and the kid who laughed hysterically everytime he passed gas. Then there was me. I wanted desperately to go with my friend and her Mom. She had the station wagon full of all the cool girls. But my Mom was driving--and I belonged to her, and in some cruel conspiracy cooked up in the teacher's lounge of Cornish Elementary School, my Mom had charge of the problem kids. One boy wouldn't stay with Mom and kept running off away from the group. I remember she grabbed his hand to keep him under control. "Eeeeewwww" I thought. Obviously, she hadn't gotten the cootie memo. I reccovered. And thankfully the years have allowed me to see those kids in a different light.

As I look over the busy brood I hiked up the hill with I wonder about the memories they are making. I don't feel old enough to supervise a field trip--but here I am with my chaperone assignment. When did I grow up?

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